How Long Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana Live

How Long Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana Live

The Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is one of the most popular ornamental plants within its genus. 

If you take care of a kalanchoe plant, it can live for up to seven years. As long as you maintain giving kalanchoe nourishment and water, it will continue to develop and bloom. The lifespan of a Kalanchoe is determined by a variety of factors.

One factor in determining how long a Kalanchoe will live is the environment it is kept in. For example, if your plant is kept in a space that gets too much direct sunlight or lacks sunlight, it may not last as long as it would in the right environment. It is best to keep your plant in a place where it gets much indirect sunlight throughout the day so that your plant can get the right amount of light each day.

Kalanchoe plants also require good soil to grow; therefore, if you want your plant to survive for as long as possible, be sure to change your soil every year. This allows for good drainage and aeration and prevents diseases from reproducing within the soil. Be sure to change your soil every year so that you can provide your plant with a fresh start every year.

We can place this plant on the kitchen bench, in the dining room furniture, next to our computer, in the bathroom, etc. There is always a place to place a Kalanchoe blossfeldiana and enjoy the strength and impact of the color of its flowers.


clade: Angiosperms
clade: Eudicots

There are numerous varieties, with white, yellow, orange, red or pink flowers. It can be said that it is “very worked”.

It may be cultivated indoors, and in warm regions without frost, it can be planted in the garden year-round. It blooms from January to April and reblooms in the fall.


  • The Kalanchoe genus belongs to the Crassulaceae family and includes succulent plants native to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, tropical America, central-southern Africa, Australia, Asia but more commonly Madagascar. They can be annuals, perennials, climbers, or shrubs.
  • These are succulent plants with fleshy stems and leaves, long petioles on the opposite leaf, bright green leaves, and priceless inflorescences made up of numerous flowers with irregular red, pink, yellow, and orange blooms.


There is a long list of varieties of kalanchoe. Here are some of the most popular types:

  • Kalanchoe blossfedianaIt is distinctive because of the wide range of colors, the fleshy leaves, and the size. This particular type of kalanchoe requires a lot of natural light to thrive.
  • Kalanchoe daigremontiana. It is yet another of the most widely used kinds. It’s a plant that looks a lot like aloe vera. The underside of its leaves has a few darker dots and a jagged edge. The occurrence of flowers is not very frequent.
  • Kalanchoe thyrsiflora. This particular variety of kalanchoe grows well both in the ground and in containers. It requires lots of light to develop. Its circular leaves have pink ends and a pale green center. They make beautiful decorative plants.
  • Kalanchoe tomentosa. This kalanchoe variant is quite unusual. It has a one-meter height limit. Its leaves have whitish hairs covering them, giving the plant a velvety and silky feel. The brown markings on the borders make it distinctive as well.
  • Kalanchoe tessa . It is a hanging plant with up to 30 centimeter-tall blossoms. It features highly stunning bell-shaped flowers and leaves that have a tiny bite to them.
  • Kalanchoe arborescens . Given that it may grow to a height of up to 8 meters, it is one of the largest types. It is a Madagascar-native plant. It features extremely vibrant pink and purple blooms as well as quite thick green leaves.

How to Care for Kalanchoe


Since the plant is not picky about the light source, it can still grow well even with indoor lights. However, if possible, it is best to place it near a window where it receives plenty of light and has some exposure to outdoor sun. Outdoors, in the shade or semi-shade . The strong midday sun does not suit him.


Temperature is one of the most important factors that you must consider when you are deciding on what kind of plants to buy for your home. The ideal temperature range for the plant is between 20 and 27 degrees Celsius, but this depends on the kind of plant. If the temperature falls below 10 degrees, it will be very harmful to the plant, which can get its roots frozen.


By setting the pot on a plate or bowl filled with wet stones, you can generate a humid environment without directly spraying the foliage, which is hazardous in a very dry environment.


It is highly susceptible to too much water, like the majority of succulent plants. This is its weak spot and the reason base rot claims so many lives. Let the compost air out in between waterings, and if it’s in a garden, water it very little or not at all throughout the winter. need enough drainage, either in the ground or in the pot, to allow the extra water to drain. Additionally, stay away from shocking the plant by not watering it with excessively cold water.


When flowers are blooming, fertilize every 15 or 20 days using a liquid fertilizer diluted in irrigation water. The flowers’ lifespan will be extended as a result. Additionally, it lasts longer if you regularly remove the ones that wither. Then, throughout the year, a little fertilizer every two months.


If you want to keep it for several years, change the pot after flowering to a slightly larger one.


If you have Calanchoes planted in your yard or garden, it’s a good idea to prune the specimens close to the ground at some point during the season. This will help make them fuller and healthier as they grow in the coming months.


Although the calanchoe is resistant to pests and diseases, it is vulnerable to rot because of too much moisture. Reduce the surrounding humidity and give ventilation if the stems’ bases exhibit decay.


Is Kalanchoe Plant Annual or Perennial?

Kalanchoes grow from tubers and can survive either as perennials or annuals depending on conditions. They are traditionally grown from cuttings, but can be propagated from seed as well. They are tolerant of both full sun and shady locations, and can adapt to most soil types as long as they drain well.

How Do You Keep a Kalanchoe Alive?

The pot should have drainage holes, or if it doesn’t, you should put a layer of polyester fibres or a paper towel at the bottom of the pot so that it absorbs moisture. You should also make sure there’s always space between the soil and the rim of the pot because, like ivy, kalanchoes are climbers and they will tend to grip a container tightly, which can cause root rot if their growth is restricted.

Do Kalanchoes Like Full Sun?

Kalanchoe is a succulent, which means it stores water in its leaves and stems. This makes it excellent for use in containers as it is not susceptible to overwatering.

In its native habitat, Kalanchoe grows in poor soils, with full sun and very little rainfall, making it drought-tolerant. They need a well-drained potting media with lots of organic material. It’s important to note that Kalanchoe does not tolerate standing water.

Kalanchoe can be propagated by leaf cuttings or seed. Most people choose to propagate them by leaf cuttings since they root quickly, however seeds are cheaper and plants grown from seed tend to look more like the parent plant than those grown from cuttings.

Kalanchoe grows best in full sun and a well-drained potting media. Kalanchoe will tolerate bright indoor light levels well. However, plants tend to get spindly in low-light conditions.

Will a Kalanchoe Rebloom?

Kalanchoes are very hardy, but when they don’t get enough light, they’ll stop flowering. If you bring your Kalanchoe inside during the winter, be sure to give it plenty of light through the spring so it will begin to flower again. Once your Kalanchoe begins producing flowers, be sure that there are no dead flowers left on the plant. That might be wasting its energy trying to sustain a part of the plant that is already dead.

Don’t forget to water! Don’t let it dry out completely—soak the soil every few days and then wait for it to dry out before giving it more water. You can even place a humidity tray underneath the pot if you want. A humidity tray creates an area with mist so that the moisture surrounding your plant will help keep it hydrated longer.

How Long Does It Take for Kalanchoe to Rebloom?

Move the kalanchoe to a cool, brightly lit room for six weeks. Keep the temperature around 50 to 65 degrees F. Give it bright light for 10 hours each day. Move it to a completely dark room or closet for the other 14 hours of the day.

What to Do with Kalanchoe After Flowering?

When you want to keep a kalanchoe plant flowering, you must regularly pinch off any dead blooms or allow them to fade away naturally. Leaving dead blooms on the plant not only looks bad, it also keeps the plant from growing new blooms. You can pinch off dead blooms with your fingers, or snip them off just below the base using standard pruning shears.

Is Kalanchoe an Indoor or Outdoor Plant?

One of the more attractive flowering succulent houseplants, the kalanchoe (Kalanchoe spp. ), is hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones 10 to 12. If properly cared for, they produce months’ worth of vibrant flowers when cultivated inside.

Does Kalanchoe Bloom All Year?

The kalanchoe plant, a member of the succulent family, is known by several names, including kalanchoe (both singular and plural), Madagascar lily and hen-and-chicks. According to Today’s Homeowner, these plants bloom when other flowering plants have ceased to do so – in winter and early spring.

Kalanchoes are extremely popular houseplants because they are easy to grow. They are among the best plants for beginners and those who don’t have green thumbs. When grown indoors and given the proper care, your kalanchoe will thrive. The plant grows in a rosette pattern, with leaves coming off a central stem. Kalanchoes will bloom year-round if given proper care, but they are most beautiful from late fall through early spring.

Can Kalanchoe Take Full Sun?

Generally speaking, kalanchoe need sufficient scattered light which should be bright and transparent. If there is not enough sunlight for a long time, the plant will be slender, the fabric will become brittle, and the original color will slowly fade, as a result, the plant will take on a loose shape, the color will become green and yellow, and the resistance will decrease.

Strong sunlight in summer can scorch its leaves and stems. When exposed to the sun it tends to grow slowly or even stop growing, its leaves grow compactly and the internodes shorten resulting in a shorter plant. For some succulents, their old leaves wilt in the summer and the new leaves tend to be short and compact, showing a bare stem shape as a whole. In the summer, you can install a parasol there or move the potted plant indoors.

Is Your Kalanchoe Not Blooming Again?

Most people don’t get it to bloom again.

If you keep it in a living room and water it regularly, it will grow well but not flower. For flowering to occur, it must spend the winter in a cool place (minimum temperature of 10ºC) and with very little water. Transplant in spring into loose, fertile compost and gradually increase watering. Take it to a sunny spot and it will flourish.

What to Do When the Flowers of a Kalanchoe Wither?

As you know, Kalanchoe is a flowering plant, so it should be expected that it will eventually begin to bloom. However, once the flowers of a kalanchoe begin to wither, they need to be removed. Removing the withered flowers will keep the plant in good condition; and later, when you see flowers beginning to grow again, you can take care of them like you did before.

When to Water the Kalanchoe?

Regarding watering, the kalanchoe needs a lot of moisture, although avoiding the plant to become waterlogged. In fact, it is preferable that the substrate is almost dry before watering it again. It is enough to water the kalanchoe once or twice a month in winter, and once a week during the summer season.

How to Revive a Kalanchoe?

There may be a possibility to revive the kalanchoe if it has dried up. Cut the stems to leave only the root in order to accomplish this. After completing this, you must remove all of the roots and pour the soil into a container. Refill the pot with soil and water it. To the new container, add the clipped stems.

Although the kalanchoe is fairly resilient during the first stage, it will require special care. Do not forget to position the kalanchoe in an area with good, indirect light. In the beginning, irrigation will rely on the state of the plant and the season. In order to prevent waterlogging, attempt to water the plant infrequently.

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