How Long for Bunny Ear Cactus to Callous? ( Let It be Healed by Nature)
One of the most distinctive features of this plant is its shape: the pads slowly grow into long tufts that resemble bunny ears.
There are several factors that affect healing time, for example, the species, the weather, Temperature, Humidity, the thickness of the stem, etc. If you would like to encourage this growth pattern, you can carefully separate the pads from one another. This step requires the base of the cutting to callous over for a day or two.
The pad doesn’t need to be callous over if you’re planting it directly into the soil and don’t want to separate it into individual plants.
“Leaf cuttings, because of their size, heal faster than stem cuttings, and obviously a thin cutting heals faster than a thick one.”
You should not pay so much attention to time, but to the signals that plants give you. Observe them and you will know if they have healed or not.
Table of Contents
How to Heal Bunny Ear Cacti Cuttings Correctly
We are going to tell you in 7 very simple steps how to heal cacti. We are convinced that if you follow these steps carefully you will complete the entire process successfully.
To know how to heal a plant, you must take into account 3 well-differentiated phases: before making the cut, during the cut, and after cutting it.
Before making the cut
1. Hydrate the Cactus Well Before Cutting
When you’re learning how to heal cacti, the first thing you need to know is that if you want to do it right, hydrate your plants before cutting. Hydrating your cactus will give it a boost of energy and help it recover from the trauma of being chopped at.
First, water thoroughly a few days before cutting. This will make sure your cactus gets plenty of water so that when you cut it, it won’t be in shock.
Lastly, after cutting or slicing your plant, place it in an area where the humidity is high and there is plenty of light and fresh air.
“Think of water as fuel for succulents. With the stored water they will have the energy to reproduce, to take out roots and new shoots.”
During the cut
2. Make a Clean Cut
Next, make sure you use a sharp knife or cutter for the best results. Using a dull knife or cutter can complicate things because it takes extra effort and time to get the job done, which is why I prefer using a sharper blade.
3. Use Cinnamon or Sulfur (Optional)
As an optional measure, although recommended, you can apply Cinnamon or powdered sulfur on the wounds, both on the mother plant and on the cuttings. These act as fungicides, that is, they prevent the appearance of fungi and accelerate the healing process.
You can skip this step, in nature they don’t get this kind of extra help to heal, they can do it on their own.
After the cut
4 . Place the Cuttings on a Dry and Absorbent Surface

The first thing you need to do when you transplant your newly acquired plants is to remove them from the container they came in and place them on a clean, dry surface. A good choice would be newspaper, kitchen paper, cloths, or even a completely dry potting substrate. The reason for this is that during the healing process moisture and direct contact with water should be avoided. By placing your cuttings on an absorbent surface, you guarantee that any excess water is retained by the surface and does not affect the plant.
On the other hand, also be careful with the mother plant, do not water it the same day you make the cuttings or on the following days. Give her enough time to heal her wounds before exposing her to the water again.
5 . Use Indirect Light

Place the cuttings in a place with light, but not direct. Light will help the healing and health of the cuttings, but very strong direct light can dry out our cuttings. Keep in mind that the water reserves are the energy they have for reproduction, therefore, if we place them in direct sunlight or very hot temperatures, they may dehydrate before being able to reproduce.
6 . Observe and Be Patient
Observe the changes in the cuts you made. If you pay attention you will see how the wound changes and how it is sealed. With time and practice, you will be able to tell that a wound has healed just by looking at it. Pay attention to:
- the colors,
- to the shine,
- to the texture and
- to wound moisture.
7 . Root and Play
Once your cutting has healed it is ready to root. You can do this in two ways:
- planted the cutting directly or
- rooting in water.
Choose the way you like best and experiment to identify which way of playing is best for you.
When the wound has been completely sealed it is safe to come into contact with water and can be irrigated normally. Keep in mind that correct healing is essential to reproduce in water.
How to Know If a Bunny Ear Cactus Has Healed Correctly
We know that a cactus has not yet healed when the wound has any of these characteristics:
- It looks vivid,
- sparkly,
- wet and
- feels soft;
On the other hand, the signs of correct healing of a cactus are:
- It looks darker.
- opaque.
- feels dry and
- firmer.
How Do You Scab a Cactus?
First, choose a healthy stem and cut it off cleanly with a sharp knife or scissors. Allow it to dry on a windowsill until scabbed and then fill a container with cactus peat. Once the new plant has been planted in its new home, keep it watered regularly without over-soaking and watch the new plant grow!
Scabbing is easy, but not all cacti are easy to propagate from cuttings. Some varieties of cacti take a different approach—they reproduce by seeds instead of new shoots from stems.
How Long Does It Take for Cactus to Scar?
Cactus is known for their thick and tough skin, but when it comes to absorbing everyday wear and tear, they’re really no different than your average human. When you cut a cactus, it releases an acid that dissolves the tissues around the wound over a period of about 48 hours. Then, calcium carbonate crystals form in this area and harden, binding the wound into a scar. This process is called callus formation, and it usually takes about two weeks for the wound to fully heal.
What Does Callous Mean in Cactus?
callus, In botany, soft tissue forms over a wounded or cut plant surface, leading to healing. A callus arises from cells of the cambium. When a callus forms, some of its cells may organize into growing points, some of which in turn give rise to roots while others produce stems and leaves.
What Is a Calloused Cactus?
Calluses – the hard, leathery patches that form on your hands after you’ve done a lot of yard work or spent a lot of time playing the guitar – are one of the most common examples of callus formation. But did you know that plants can develop calluses too? In botany, soft tissue forms over a wounded or cut plant surface, leading to healing. A callus arises from cells of the cambium. When a callus forms, some of its cells may organize into growing points, some of which in turn give rise to roots while others produce stems and leaves.
In cacti, in particular, this process is known as differentiation, and it leads to the development of new organs on top of old ones. For example, a cactus might have one main stem that grows for years before thickening at the base to become a new column. This is an example of how cacti can grow indefinitely. If a wound appears on any part of the plant, however, it will quickly form a callus over it to protect itself from infection and other dangers.
What Happens When You Cut a Cactus?
Cacti are unique in that they are capable of regenerating from almost any part of their body as long as it has not been damaged by disease or dead for more than a few days. The only parts that cannot be saved are any diseased or dead stems and leaves. If you’re planning on cutting your cactus, remove these and any other loose pieces before proceeding. Some species can be propagated by simply removing individual pads, which will root if laid on top of some soil. Other species must have their stem cut into segments before being planted into the soil as they will not regenerate properly otherwise.