How Long for Astrophytum Seeds to Germinate
Astrophytums do not give “children”, therefore their reproduction is possible only by seeds. Daily ventilation is mandatory. Under such conditions, the emergence of seedlings can be expected in 2-3 weeks. In older seeds, germination is significantly reduced.
The best time for germination is spring, the optimum temperature is + 20 ° C. Seeds germinate quickly, but only on the condition that the collection period is no later than two years.
The soil for seed germination must be loose, it must be steamed to prevent the development of fungal diseases in seedlings.
When sowing seeds, it is necessary to spread them on the soil surface so that the distance between them is about 4-5 cm.
Then they will not have to dive and disturb the root system. Transplantation into a separate container is carried out when the diameter of the young plant is about two centimeters.
How to Grow Astrophytum From Seed
The container you want to plant your astrophytum seeds it should be chosen. This could be a pan-shaped pot or a seed tray. Because the plant’s roots are short, lengthy pots squander substrate.
Since the Astrophytum is a cactus, the ideal soil should have excellent drainage.
Reproduction of astrophytum

Astrophytum seeds are large, 2-3 mm in diameter, brown or black. The optimal time for sowing is the third decade of February.
The seed propagation process is divided into two stages:
- sowing seeds;
- seedling care.
1) Sowing seeds.
Materials and tools:
- Technical pot No. 7 or No. 10, or any other container with a drainage hole, a neck diameter of about 10 cm and a height of about 3-7 cm.
- Plastic bag.
- Soil mixture: 1 part vermiculite + 1 part charcoal + 2 parts leaf humus. The mixture must be sterilized.
1. Fill the pot with soil mixture, and water it. The distance from the soil surface to the edge of the pot must be at least 15mm.
2. Sow the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil. Seeds are not sprinkled with soil.
3. Put a plastic bag over the seed pot.
Seed germination conditions:
- air humidity 100%;
- airing of crops – once a day;
- lighting – bright diffused light;
- temperature + 25 – 30 0 С.
Friendly seed germination takes place over a period of one to three weeks (80%), with the first shoots appearing on the third day. The seeds’ freshness and storage conditions can affect germination. For up to a month, seeds can germinate.
2) Care of seedlings.

The seedlings plunge two to three weeks after germination (the distance between the seedlings is 2 – 3 mm). In the initial selection, I do not deepen the seedlings. I cover the crops with a plastic bag at night for two weeks, leaving it open during the day to prevent the soil from drying up.
Luminous, diffuse lighting. Frequency of watering, with a light drying of the earthy coma (slightly dried up – watered). using a sprayer to water.
In fact, I water with hard water, which causes the soil substrate to quickly degrade (soil acidity changes), therefore regular picks are good for seedling growth. 4-5 choices are held the first year, and 1-2 the second.
After the cactus reaches 1.5 – 2 cm in diameter, I transplant it into an individual pot (100 ml). For these purposes, I use either disposable cups, having previously made drainage holes in them, or technical pots No. 5. After the cacti are transplanted into individual pots, I begin to feed with a frequency of once every two weeks.
I fertilize with complex fertilizers containing NPK (20-20-20). Fertilizer concentration – 50% of the recommended for feeding cacti.
Basic requirements for the care of seedlings:
In winter, seedlings are kept at a temperature of at least 15 degrees Celsius. In the first winter, water with a frequency of once a month. Flowering in 3-4 years (Ornatum 5-8 years).
Growing Conditions
- We received Astrophytum from the extremely arid regions of Mexico and Texas. It is photophilous and tolerant of drought.
- His preferred windows are to the south and southeast.
- The plants require shade at the end of spring when the first sunbeams start to bake through the window glass.
- Gradually getting used to the hot sun is advised.
- The illumination ought to be bright during the winter. Summertime astrophytum growth requires a temperature of +25 °C.
- He needs a difference in temperature between day and night. To do this, a cactus-filled bowl can be set outside at night on a balcony or near an open window.
- Astrophytum tolerates dry air well; no spraying is required. A plant’s trunk might become fatally damaged if it comes into regular touch with water.
- Astrophytum needs a period of dormancy throughout the winter. Reduce the temperature to + 7–10 °C and cease watering to do this. It must always be bright.
How Long Does It Take to Grow an Astrophytum?
Growing an Astrophytum from seed is not for the impatient or for those who dislike a challenge. They are slow growing, taking about 4 years to flower for the first time. They need a fast-draining substrate, as they do not tolerate excess water.
In the wild, these plants grow on rocky hillsides and limestone cliffs. In cultivation, they do best in mineral-rich soil and plenty of bright sunlight.
How Long Does It Take for an Astrophytum Seed to Germinate?
This genus’ seeds germinate quite quickly; within a week or two, seedlings will be seen in the container. Before exposing the seedlings to ambient humidity, I suggest maintaining the airtight seal for at least three months.
What Does Astrophytum Mean?
Astrophytum : generic name meaning “star-shaped plant”, a shape that is particularly notable in the type species, Astrophytum myriostigma.
How to Grow Astrophytum Asterias?
They need to have good lighting, the direct sun must be soft. Some shade suits them, too. They withstand temperatures between 5ºC and up to more than 40°C. The standard substrate can be a mixture of coarse sand, peat or leaf mulch, light garden soil. If a container is chosen to grow it, the container must be wide enough (preferably 40 cm or more) and the height should be at least twice the diameter of the plant to allow for its future growth.
How to Care for Astrophytum?
The Astrophytum family is one of the most famous and beautiful cacti. But it is also one of the most difficult to grow, since it is very sensitive to excess watering and cold.
In fact it is resistant to all pests and diseases. The only problem you can have with this plant is too much water. It must be kept on the dry side in winter and watered very little in summer. They do not require special fertilizers or pruning, but if you want them to grow faster you can use a balanced fertilizer for cacti, which can be obtained at specialized stores.
This plant does not like temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius, in which case the tips of its stems will die. To avoid this we must protect it from frosts and drafts by covering it with cloth or plastic sheeting throughout the year. In summer it needs to be protected from strong sunlight that may cause burns on the tips of its stems.
When to Water Astrophytum?
Since it isn’t growing, it just needs a little water during that time of year, therefore you should water it once a month. Important: To prevent the cactus from rotting, only water the soil when you water it.
What Happens to the Small and Large Seed?
The saying goes that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. And that’s true when it comes to seeds, too.
Under natural and simulated conditions, large seeds germinate more and with greater vigor than small ones. In addition, seed color can influence germination capacity. A study suggests that small seeds have a lower rate of germination due to their thinner seed coats, which can inhibit water and gas uptake. The darker the seed coat, the more likely it is to absorb sunlight, which also helps promote germination—but doesn’t do much for color-blind plants like wheat.
The takeaway? If you’re hoping for a specific plant variety to grow, choose your seeds wisely and give them all the advantages you can.
How to Reproduce Bishop’s Bonnet?
The propagation of the Bonete de Obispo Cactus or Astrophytum Coahuilense, is by seeds. New seedlings should not be in strong sun and dry conditions and may need frequent repotting. When mature, they reach a maximum size, from about 8 cm to 20 cm.
How Does Seed Size Influence Germination?
It is widely known that seed size influences germination capacity. A study found that, as the seed size increases, a higher percentage of germination is obtained. The trend of increase in percent germination with an increase in seed size was statistically significant (P<0.0001).
How Do the Seeds Grow?
The seeds generally “wake up” and germinate well when the soil is moist and the temperature conditions are favorable for them to grow. But not all seeds have the same germination requirements, so it’s important to know what each type of seed needs.
What Happens When a Seed Germinates?
Germination is a physiological process that ends with the emergence of the embryo that is contained in the seed. This process is influenced by external and internal factors. For a seed to germinate, a water absorption process must occur, which is known as imbibition. The endosperm (the storage tissue) absorbs water, and then the radicle (the embryonic root) grows and makes an opening in the seed coat. The radicle usually emerges first, followed by the plumule (the embryonic shoot).
What Is the Bishop’s Hat Called?
miter; gr. Mitra) is a specific insignia of bishops for use within liturgical acts and was also used by some abbots or abbesses in the Middle Ages.
What Is the Relationship Between Seed Size and Survivability?
Seed size is an important consideration for both seed dispersers and seed predators. For example, small seeds have the potential to disperse further in a given amount of time and to a greater number of microsites than large seeds. Small seeds are often associated with smaller plants that are less capable of investing energy in large storage organs; instead, they invest energy into their seeds and rely on their ability to disperse over a long distance. The ability to survive in many microsites also increases the likelihood that small seeds will establish themselves and grow into mature plants. However, as small seeds usually contain less storage material than larger ones, they have a lower probability of establishing themselves if they land in unfavorable conditions.
Large seeds are associated with larger plants that can invest more energy into developing storage tissues such as large cotyledons and other vegetative organs like stems and leaves. As such, large seeds have a greater capacity for metabolic reserves than small seeds; this means that large-seeded plants can survive longer without water or nutrients than smaller-seeded plants. Large-seeded plants typically germinate after longer periods of dormancy (after being buried for long periods of time) because they have more resources available for growth when the conditions are optimal for survival.
What Are the Factors That Affect Germination?
Among the environmental factors that influence the germination of a seed and the speed with which it occurs, we can mention substrate moisture, temperature, light, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, among others .
What Does a Seed Need to Grow and Develop?
The temperature, humidity, oxygen, and light conditions must be right for the seeds to germinate.