Can Moon Cactus Grow without Grafting?

Can Moon Cactus Grow without Grafting? (Chlorophyll Is the Mystery)

Moon cactus seedlings are not able to survive long on their own, as chlorophyll is essential for converting light into food and the lunar cacti do not possess enough of this pigment. However, if a Gymnocalycium mihanovichii is grafted onto a chlorophyll-dense succulent, it can live for many years. You can grow moon cactus from…

Are Moon Cactus Poisonous?

Are Moon Cactus Poisonous? My Cactus Garden

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii “Moon Cactus” is a small globose cactus of the Family Cactaceae. It is very popular in collections around the world as a grafted cactus due to the absence of chlorophyll pigments, that is, the chlorophyll-free varieties are the most cultivated compared to the type species.  Moon cacti are generally non-toxic to humans and…

Why Is It Called Moon Cactus?

Why Is It Called Moon Cactus? (Looks Like Moon)

The Gymnocalycium Cacti comprises around  80 types of cacti that originate from southern-central South America.The most well-known cultivars are those which are completely devoid of chlorophyll, which exposes the orange, red or yellow pigmentation. These cacti look like the moon and these mutant strains are often grafted onto the Hylocereus cactus, and the combined plant…

why Moon cactus losing color

Moon Cactus Losing Color: Yellow, White, Brown, Red, and Black

Like other cacti, the moon cacti are painstaking, resistant, and low care plants. But what makes it different is its color. It is gifted for its color like yellow, red, orange, pink, coral, peach, purple, and white. But if such gifted things are being got faded away or got colorless, it must be a heartbreaking…

Do Moon Cacti Need Sunlight?

Do Moon Cacti Need Sunlight? (With Table and Infographics)

All living animals and plants need sunlight, whether it is big or small. If you have houseplant moon cacti, they need bright indirect balance sunlight. Unlike other robust and resistant cacti,  moon cacti are much more delicate, soft, and aesthetic. They can’t sustain themselves and even do not like intense direct sunlight. Moon cactus prefer…