Learn About How Many Years Does It Take for a Saguaro Cactus to Grow an Arm
Dogbane family (Apocynaceae).Scientific name Adenium obesum.Natural occurrences in Africa and Arabia.Growth height is 4 to 6 meters.In-room culture maximum height is 80 cm to 100 cm.Almost evergreen...
Adenium obesum is grown in full sun in rich, well-drained soil. In pots, use a mixture of potting soil and sand. Do not allow water to stagnate in the saucer. Special cactus soil is ideal...
Chamaelobivia rose quartz Rose quartz cactus is a succulent that grows in almost all parts of the world. It's a pretty plant and can be grown indoors or out. It can be used as an accent to other...
Chamecereus (Echinopsis Chamaecereus), a highly ornamental, small-sized plant, is directly related to the genus Cactus. Argentina is the birthplace and natural habitat of the...
How To Propagate Desert Rose? – Best Tips from
The Adenium ( Adenium ) is a genus of shrubby or woody succulent plants of the family ( Apocynaceae ) originating from tropical regions of Africa, where it is found from Senegal...
Despite its name, the Desert Rose is not a rose at all but rather a succulent. The plant's common name is a misnomer—it was named for its coloration, which resembles that of the wild rose, and for...