Why is Cactus Fruit Called Tuna?

Why is Cactus Fruit Called Tuna? (Tunas in Spanish)

Prickly pear (Opuntia engelmannii. Cactaceae, Cactus family) has its name due to the numerous sharp spines that grow on the stems.  And the fruits that are seasonal, are referred to as tunas or pears. The sharp, long spines actually are modified leaves that become harder as they get older.  In Spanish, cactus fruit is called…

Can Dogs Eat Cactus Fruit?

Can Dogs Eat Cactus Fruit?: Dog Veterinarian Guide

Cacti are excellent sources of fiber, potassium, and other minerals that can be beneficial to dogs. But due to the tendency of pups to develop stomach irritation and psychological imbalance after eating cactus plants, you should provide them with proper care and preparation. The cactus indoors is currently fruiting, but what are the chances that…