Is Fishing Barrel Cactus Cause Symptoms

Is Fishing Barrel Cactus Cause Symptoms

Mammillaria, native from southwestern North America to the Caribbean, Colombia, and Venezuela and especially concentrated in Mexico, is a large and complex genus of about 200 species. “Fishhook Barrel Cactus is an extremely easy accent plant to grow in and around the Tucson area. It tolerates most native soils with good drainage, requiring little attention…

Why Is My Barrel Cactus Turning Brown? ( Know the Best Reason &Tips)

Why Is My Barrel Cactus Turning Brown? ( Know the Best Reason &Tips)

As with all cacti, Golden Barrel cacti are known for their stunning green appearance. They are a perfect match for succulents in general. When you see the golden barrel cactus turn brown, you could be thinking there’s something wrong and in the majority of cases, you’re correct. It is typically a sign that your cactus…

Why Do Barrel Cactus Lean South? ( Good or Bad !)

Why Do Barrel Cactus Lean South? ( Good or Bad !)

Though they’re often called “compass cactus,” barrel cactus don’t actually point north (in fact, they can’t even detect the earth’s magnetic field). They grow based on sun orientation so that their surface tissue is protected from intense sunlight. Though the plant can appear to lean toward the sun, it actually grows in a different direction—usually…