Learn About How Many Years Does It Take for a Saguaro Cactus to Grow an Arm
The Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is one of the most popular ornamental plants within its genus. If you take care of a kalanchoe plant, it can live for up to seven years. As long as you...
Astrophytum stellate (asterias) has the shape of a ball, on the ribs of which there are grayish fluffy areoles. Diameter - about 15 cm, number of ribs - from 6 to 8, no spines. The flowers are large,...
It is evident that in terms of size-price ratio there is a big difference between grafted and non-grafted ones Astrophytum. The removing and rerooting of the scion from the stock of a grafted...
Astrophytums do not give "children", therefore their reproduction is possible only by seeds. Daily ventilation is mandatory. Under such conditions, the emergence of seedlings can be expected in 2-3...
Are Astrophytum Cactus or Succulents? (Cactus Is the Winner)
Astrophytum myriostigma, known in the west as the bishop's cactus or the bishop's cap, is a species of flowering cactus in the Cactaceae family. Astrophytum myriostigma or speckled is a succulent...