Learn About How Many Years Does It Take for a Saguaro Cactus to Grow an Arm
American Agave ( Agava Americana ) Common Name(s): American AloeAmerican Century PlantCentury PlantMagueyMexican Soap Plant Family: AsparagaceaeScientific...
After the agave blooms, it will wither. It can only bloom once in its life. When the inflorescence grows, it can be cut off from the base to allow the plant to continue to grow. Agave is a large...
What Is Tequila? How to Drink Tequila Tequila is a distilled liquor that is brewed from a plant called agave and has a higher alcohol content. The common way to drink tequila is to add salt...
Yes, the fact that agave has thorns at the ends of the leaves, and cacti have no leaves at all, they turned into thorns (not to mention the fact that these plants belong to different families - agave...
Pruning an agave is not as easy as it seems; the plant contains bundles of long, sharp, hard leaves that grow in a rosette pattern. These leaves can grow up to one meter (3 feet) in length and are...
It's often confused with aloe and cactus but despite thorns in each plant, these are different plants. The blue agave as a cactus is not true as it belongs to the Asparagus family. It has more in...